G1 Omega Supreme, the definitive repair guide Part 4 of 5 — The “shields” or leg clips

Each Omega Supreme toy came with a small parts tree of 6 bright yellow “shields” which hold together the halves of the two pieces of leg armor on the toy. These clips were easy to loose, and indeed fetch a princely sum on eBay today. The geometry of the clips is a little more complicated than a person would want to make by hand. These are a prime candidate for 3D printing.

Do, I measured these, did a few test prints/fit checks with my home printer, and then ordered a set from ShapeWays.

I offer them two different ways on my store. The first is a tree with all 6 shields:


The second is a tree with the 4 small clips that go on the back sides of the legs. These were certainly the most frequently lost:


These offer a quick and easy way to complete your figure. The only thing I don’t like about the ShapeWays parts is that when you have them made in a color, it is just a paint. So, when you cut the sprues that hold the parts together, there are white spots left.